Life is a Journey

Some people like to take leisurely walks. Others like to be more active and go hiking where there are steep hills and rugged terrain. Then you have the people that like to jog and others that run. Some for very long distances. Life is like all of these activities. Unfortunately we never know what activity each day holds. But the fact is we can’t move on in life without taking some kind of step forward. Each day is a new adventure, some days great and other days that break your heart. One thing is for sure, you can not stop!

My life has held many heartaches and days that I felt like I couldn’t breathe much less move forward. But I had to, one step at a time. I hope through this blog I can help others to move forward when they feel like they cant go on. So, I will begin by sharing my story.

This Picture is my husband Rob and I with our crew of 10 children. Our children ranged in age from 1 yr old up to 16 yrs old, with one set of twins in the mix. This was a time in our life when we thought life was hectic. When we had spilled milk and messes at meal times. Messy hands and faces to clean up. Boys that liked to rough house and tease their sisters. There was messy bedrooms and a ton of laundry. There were arguments and boys fighting. There were many trips to the ER for stitches in chins, foreheads and top of heads. A few broken bones from catching a football wrong and falling down while roller skating. These were the days that we would think, “we cant wait for them to get older so things will be easier.” I wish like crazy I had known then what I do now…..these days, the crazy hectic childish days….those were the best days! Those are the days to cherish and treasure. Those are the days you will never get back. Those are the days that you need to slow down and just enjoy!